

Together, we can make visible the Hope and heart of Christ — for generations to come.

At Christ Central, we are launching a capital campaign to purchase and renovate a historic building in the center of Durham as a long-term ministry home. This is an opportunity to invest in putting down roots to let the love of Christ shine—for the glory of God and the good of Durham.

God has placed us in the fabric of the city.

Durham is a special city—and we’re so proud to call it home. In its beauty and brokenness, Durham is a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of pain, gain, and unfolding possibility. Its history of racial strife is as evident as the highway that still cuts the city in two. The skyline features symbols of industrial leadership from the past alongside centers for arts and education shaping the future. This city is a story still in the making.

And we get to be part of that story. The city has changed tremendously in 11 years, as has our church. And we long for God’s work of renewal to be at the center of both—for Christ Central to reflect the light of the gospel in the city we love.

The Opportunity

Our ability to serve this city has been CONSTRAINED by space.

Over 11 years, we have worshiped in two Durham locations. We’re grateful for each as a place for meaningful worship and ministry. But the impermanence of our location has posed difficulties. To not have access to space seven days a week limits ministry possibilities. And the work of finding and re-finding space every few years requires energy we’re eager to devote directly to mission.

We learned in 2023 from our current landlord that we would once again need to move—now for the third time. And so we have prayed and earnestly sought a location that might be for the long term. As a church with a call to serve the city, we long to serve with permanence.

What would it look like if we weren’t held back?

The building’s features:

50K square feet

May ’25 closing date


There are few locations in Durham that could be more central than what God is making available to us at the crossroads of  Highway 147 and West Chapel Hill Street.

For more than 100 years, a Baptist church worshiped in this building until it relocated to the suburbs. In 2003, Durham Charter School moved in; they are now selling it to open a new campus. And this gives Christ Central a beautiful opportunity to open doors—literally and metaphorically—to be a people and church where the beautiful renewal of Christ has a long-term home in the city.

Because we’ll own the building, we can do ministry and meet the needs of the city in expanded and innovative ways.

The Campaign

A vision for a permanent home in the center of Durham–to reflect the hope and heart of Christ for generations to come.

Together, through this building and our people, we long to:

Make Visible

The Community
of god

The heart of church is its people, but our building can be a place that deepens and expands how people find community.

Make Visible

The presence
of god

We long for this city to know God in personal ways. This historic building is a clarion call: God is present here.

Make Visible

The renewal
of god

With the new space, we have a gospel opportunity to further invest in practices of renewal for our neighbors–in the city and beyond.

The Make Visible Capital Campaign  will take a Significant investment.

Creating more space for ministry, fellowship, and all the dreams god is still giving us.

In Matthew 5, Jesus commissions his followers to let our light shine. He asks us to think of ourselves as a “city on a hill” and “a light on
a stand” that can’t be hidden and that exist for the sake of others. The point isn’t to draw eyes to ourselves, but to live with a public faith that helps more people see the glory and goodness of God.

And this is precisely our dream for a new building home. Because the tactical and logistical needs for a long-term space are very real for Christ Central, but that a building can also stand for something. From the heart of downtown Durham, we want to make visible the hope and heart of Christ, for generations to come.

Church Entryway

This building has an expanded entryway that allows us to offer extravagant welcome and linger in connection.

Church Steeple

This building is in a prime location with a steeple that rises beside the Durham Freeway, which we pray can represent the hope of Christ and his Kingdom to all who drive by.



Building Exterior

Exterior and façade work will ensure the outside of our church reflects the welcoming and safe presence found in worship.

Building Interior

Millwork is needed to reconvert the building from a school to a church. It also needs new windows and lighting. Certain spaces have not been renovated or repaired in decades, leading to functional limitations and safety concerns.


The entryway of our church is where we gather and can swing wide the door to offer welcome and hospitality. This building has an expanded entryway that allows us to offer a warm welcome—but will need repairs and improvements.



This historic building holds possibilities—and needs repairs.

Built in 1957 and used as a school, this colonial revival-style building requires both repairs and renovations to be functional as a church—and positioned for future ministry possibilities. Our hope is to begin worshiping here by March 2027. Prior to that, we’re aiming to invest financial resources and energy into repairs that include painting, millwork, and structural updates.

Dreaming big to expand the sanctuary

This sanctuary will need considerable repairs beyond cosmetics to make it a functional space for worship. This alone would cost at least $1M.

But if we’re really dreaming big, we have an opportunity to repour the foundation to make the sanctuary bigger, allowing us to worship in two services rather than three. This would also expand the Fellowship Hall. Enlarging the sanctuary would cost $5M. The light of Christ will shine in either space. But, we will need to know if we have the capital to pursue the expanded sanctuary by Fall of 2025 when work will begin.


This sanctuary holds 600 people, but we could quickly outgrow this space. If we’re able to extend our footprint, we can gather for worship in two services rather than three.


Our hope is to begin worshiping here by March 2027. Prior to that, we’re aiming to invest financial resources and energy into repairs that include painting, millwork, and priority technological and structural updates to the sanctuary.


Our hope is to begin worshiping here by March 2027. Prior to that, we’re aiming to invest financial resources and energy into repairs that include painting, millwork, and priority technological and structural updates to the sanctuary.



Make your commitment

The make visible capital campaign will take a significant investment.

We are asking everyone who calls Christ Central home to invest toward our campaign goal by February 23. Every gift of every size matters.

Our progress so far


Total raised


Total pledged


Needed by May 2025 to close on new building


Total cost of purchasing new building


Cost of building purchase plus baseline renovations to make building functional


Total cost of all renovations, including big dreams to expand the sanctuary

Indicates funds raised

Indicates total funds committed

Indicates dream costs

Fulfill your commitment

Thank you for your commitment to helping accomplish the vision of Christ Central Durham through this campaign. Your support is vital in our ability to secure and renovate a historic building as a long-term home for gospel ministry in the heart of the city. By taking the first steps in fulfilling your commitment, we hope you will experience the joy of being a part of something that will impact lives for years.

Give Online
Subsplash offers a secure way to give via your bank account or card with minimal processing fees. Because giving to Make Visible is separate, you'll need to create a new account, even if you already have an account for giving to the general fund.

Give In Person
You are always welcome to give a check or cash during the offering time on Sunday mornings.

Mail A Check
You can mail a check to the church (1004 N Mangum St Durham, NC 27701) or drop it in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Please note Make Visible Campaign or Building Fund in the memo line (or on an envelope for cash).

Donor-Advised Funds
Donor-advised funds allow donors to give cash, stocks, and other assets to a charitable trust, immediately receive a tax deduction, allow those assets to grow, and then direct their funds to not-for-profits of their choosing. Donor-advised funds are available through a number of investment firms (Schwab, Fidelity, etc.) as well as through National Christian Foundation. If you're interested in setting up a donor-advised fund in order to give to the Make Visible Campaign, you can set up a fund and learn more at https://www.ncfgiving.com/. Please note that DAF gifts should be specifically marked for the Make Visible Campaign or Building Fund.

stock gifts
Christ Central is able to accept transfers of publicly traded stock. If you're interested in giving stock, please email Carson Rockett.

Crypto gifts
Christ Central is able to accept gifts of cryptocurrency. If you're interested in giving cryptocurrency, please email Meredith Miller.

Other Non-Cash Assets
If you have other non-cash assets (real estate, business interests, estate gifts, etc.) you're interested in giving, please email Carson Rockett.

Key Campaign Events

We are marking a seminal season for our church community to worship, pray, and seek God together for our future as a church. We encourage you to prioritize being present on Sundays and to fully participate in campaign conversations.





“Make Visible” Sermon Series



Forum and Q&A Session

12:45 pm



Commitment Sunday



Celebration Sunday




What do you want To make visible?

We know your dreams for this church are as big as your heart is for this city. We want to invite you into this process. Share your ideas here, and the Leadership Team will pray over them as we continue to plan how we will use this space.

Thank you for sharing your heart for this new space and the city!

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